
Quran Learning

Science is the life of the mind

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AlHuda Quran Academy has created a special course to teach young children and children how to read the Quran correctly using Tajweed. It includes the fundamental Qaida as well as a few captivating tales that offer a brief overview of the Holy Quran and Islamic History. Your children can enroll in this program to learn the essence of Islam and the Quran from highly qualified and experienced instructors who use innovative teaching techniques to maximize learning a comprehensive program for turning your children into Hafiz of the holy Quran from beginning to end..

Start to learn the Arabic alphabet and read the Holy Quran with proper Tajweed.

Our work here resembles a madrasa for the Qur’an. Depending on each student’s proficiency in Tajweed and Arabic, our tutoring staff begins lessons with them. There is no set end date for this course because learning the Quran is a lengthy process.

God does not look at your appearance and possessions, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.

Prophet Muhammad SAW

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